NewsΝέαPresentation given to the University of Macedonia

June 29, 2019by Koumentakis Law

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] As part of the series of presentations and seminars held by KOUMENTAKIS & ASSOCIATES, a presentation was given to one of the post graduate programs of the University of Macedonia, addressing the needs and opportunities emerging for companies, from the implementation of the newly introduced provisions of the new Act on Société Anonyms.

Following an invitation of the director of the postgraduate program Tax and Financial Management of Strategic Decisions”, professor Theofanis Karagiorgou, and before a number of students of the program, Stavros Koumentakis, Senior Partner of the Law Firm, highlighted the multiple business opportunities emerging from the changes introduced by the new Act on Société Anonyms.

As Mr. Koumentakis put it: “The new Act is a great opportunity to better familiarize with the functions of Société Anonyms, to better safeguard the company’s founders, its shareholders and the investment itself, to start planning from scratch and minimize operational costs, to attract new and keep the most capable executives, to create the right conditions for access to cheap funding, to make good use of modern technology and, finally, to prepare business for the next day”.

During the presentation the most important pillars of Act 4548/2018 were analyzed, while the options offered were highlighted in the form of a DECALOGUE:

(1) Fast and inexpensive establishment,
(2) Attracting and maintaining executives,
(3) Reduction of expenses,
(4) Attracting investors,
(5) Various ways of raising liquidity,
(6) Managing the minority shareholders,
(7) Making good use of technology,
(8) Preparing for the succession,
(9) Protecting the investment and
(10) Protecting the natural persons.

Mr. Koumentakis and the Legal Consultants of KOUMENTAKIS & ASSOCIATES continue to respond, as often as possible, to requests to give relevant presentations and hold relevant seminars all over Greece, as this Act has already started being implemented. In the present video one can find a brief mention of the most important changes introduced.

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Koumentakis Law
Λεωφ. Νίκης & Μοργκεντάου 1, 54622 Θεσσαλονίκη
(+30) 2310 27 80 84

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